Welcome! Have any Questions?? Give us a call anytime! To sign-up as a Medical Member-Patient, Text, Email or Register and Order Online at Mountainhighrec.com. If you text or Email we need the following: - 1.) A Clear Picture - VALID State ID or Drivers License. - 2.) Clear Picture - VALID Medical Cannabis Rec Letter or Card. - 3.) Email address and best contact phone number. - 4.) Home Address for Delivery! - 5.) Your order. The Goods! Once we recieve we create the account and apply proper tax rates and respond back ASAP! We Thank you for finding us and checking us out! To sign-up as a Recreational Adult Use Member, Text or Email the following: - 1.) A Clear Picture - VALID State ID or Drivers License. - 2.) Email address and best contact phone number. - 3.) Home Address for Delivery! - 4.) Your order. The Goods! Once we recieve we create your adult use account and apply all the proper tax rates and respond back ASAP! We Thank you for finding us and checking us out also! Mountain High Recreation operates in full compliance with all city-wide regulations and CA Prop 64 to connect recreational adult-use customers and medical patients with the best cannabis in town. From considerate, professional service to our high-grade menu, Mountain High Recreation, Inc. provides an unrivaled marijuana experience.
price: $0