How To Make Cannabis Oil

by greenrush
cannabis oil

Using cannabis oil is an extremely effective method for those that enjoy the medical benefits and high of using marijuana but prefer not to smoke. Who can blame them? Any time that you can avoid inhaling smoke into your lungs, your body will thank you for it. We have an alternative for you that is easy to make and has a plethora of uses; we are going to walk you through the health benefits, uses, and even how to make cannabis oil!


Health Benefits


The health benefits and general usage of cannabis date back more than 2,500 years in Ancient Egypt, and more than likely quite a bit before that in China. Many affluent and noble people were known to not only use the herb for medicine but also for its very well-known high. They loved it so much that some nobles were even buried with their stash, and why not? Just in case we are afforded the use of marijuana in the afterlife, it might be nice to bring your own.


How Does It Affect Your Body?

cannabis oil

Cannabis oil is undoubtedly known for its potency and ability to aid medically in many ways. The human body already produces its own cannabinoids within itself. There are two receptors in the body called the CB1 and CB2 receptors, which work with cannabinoids.


The CB1 receptors are mainly in the brain, but they are also found throughout the body. These receptors are responsible for pain, coordination and movement, memory, emotions, mood, appetite, and even more. The CB2 receptors are more in control of the body's immune system and affect pain as well as control inflammation.


When THC is introduced into the body, the cannabinoids attach themselves to these receptors, and, in turn, aid in pain relief, inflammation, anxiety, and depression. However, aside from working directly with the receptors in the body, they assist the body in producing and using more of its own cannabinoids.


Keep In Mind...


When making cannabis oil, the first and most important ingredient will be 1/4oz of the flower of your choice. Keep in mind that the effects the cannabis oil will have will come directly from the strain of bud you choose to use.


If you're looking for something that will assist in sleep, arthritis pain, and inflammation, or full body and muscle aches then you may want to stick with an indica strain. If it's more of the heady, cerebral intensity you are looking for to push away a bit of anxiety or stress and help with depression and mood, sativa is certainly the way to go!


What Will I Need?

cannabis oil

Now that we have the strain information out of the way here is a simple list of items and ingredients to pull together:


– 1/4 oz of ground cannabis
– Tabletop induction cooker
– Small saucepan
– 1 cup of olive oil
– Glass jar or bottle
– Funnel
– Cheesecloth


First, start by grinding the 1/4 oz of cannabis. Go ahead and set that aside and pull out your countertop induction cooker. Set it to 200F.


Place a saucepan onto the cooker and pour in 1 full cup of olive oil and then sprinkle your ground cannabis into the oil. You will want to go ahead and mix it thoroughly to ensure the marijuana properly infuses into the oil as it cooks.


While keeping the temperature right around 200F, you will occasionally want to continue stirring the mixture, once again, just to ensure you get the most out of the infusion, for about 3 hours. It seems like torture, but it's worth the wait!


Once those dreaded 3 hours are over, remove your saucepan from the heat and grab your glass jar or bottle of choice. Insert your funnel into the bottle and line it with the cheesecloth.


Pour in your olive oil and cannabis mixture and strain it through the cheesecloth so that the loose herb gets caught in the cheesecloth and only the infused cannabis oil makes it into the glass bottle.


Once you are finished straining, you can wring out the cheesecloth to make sure you get every last drop of the cannabis oil into the glass bottle, and voila! You now have your very own cannabis oil!


Best Uses For Cannabis Oil


Where cannabis oil is concerned, the sky's the limit! One fun way to use your new cannabis oil is to cook with it. Try something like weed spaghetti, or classic space cakes, the famed cannabis cupcakes. Additionally, you can always store your cannabis oil in a 30 or 60 ml dropper and use it orally under the tongue for quick-acting pain relief and a nice soothing high.


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