Stoner Classic: How to Make and Smoke an Apple Pipe

How does the saying go: as American as apple pipe! That's right, isn't it? Well, it's close enough to the truth—smoking weed out of an apple is a time-honored tradition of stoners new and old alike. You, too, can have one of your own if you follow our apple pipe instructions. And like there's more than one way to bake an apple pie, there's more than one way to make an apple pipe.
What Is An Apple Pipe?
So, what is an apple pipe? An apple pipe is a homemade smoking pipe curated from an apple used to consume cannabis. Compared to other smoking methods like tinfoil or soda cans, an apple pipe is a relatively healthy option for DIY smoking pieces.
Why Should I Make One?
Necessity is the mother of invention. When it's time to get high, you shouldn't let lack of materials stand in your way. While silicone bongs, double-walled glass pipes, and high-tech vaporizers can undoubtedly get the job done with panache to spare, sometimes it's nice to get back to your roots. Sometimes the apple pipe vs. joint debate answers itself if you don't have papers (but if you do, we can help you learn how to roll the perfect joint, too!).
Learning how to make an apple pipe for weed will come in handy in all kinds of situations—visiting your parents' house for the weekend? On a camping trip? Flown somewhere like California or Colorado and don't want to buy a smoking vessel? Then sit right back and let us school you on how to make an apple pipe!
How To Make An Old School Apple Pipe
Are you getting bored of smoking out of the same thing? Let's dive into how you can switch things up and make it a little more amusing. In the classic, old-school approach of creating an apple pipe, you don't need very much.
Things You'll Need
First thing's first: gather your wares. Make sure that you have the following items. To make a weed pipe out of an apple, you will need:
- A crisp apple (any variety)
- A poking tool: ballpoint pen, chopsticks, screwdriver, skewer, or key to shape the pipe
- A lighter
- Weed, of course!
Step-by-Step: The Process
Step One: Gather The Necessary Supplies
Review the list of necessary supplies you'll need to make the apple pipe to make sure you are fully prepared.
Step Two: Twist Off The Apple's Stem
Pull out the stem of your apple to reveal its natural bowl. It's almost as if Mother Nature knew you wanted to get high today! Make sure to remove the entire apple's stem all the way to the base. This little pit will act as the bowl piece.
Step Three: Poke A Hole Through The Top
Now, with your tool of choice, dig about halfway down the apple from the indention on the top. This small pit will act as the bowl piece where you will be placing your weed.
Step Four: Make The Pipe Mouthpiece
Again, using your poking tool, push a hole across the center of the apple.
Step Five: Poke A Hole For Your Carb
Repeat step four. However, instead, make sure this hole is perpendicular to the mouthpiece hole. While one hole will function as the base for your mouthpiece, the other will serve as the carb.
Step Six: Carve Out The Bowl
Next, use the pen or another object to carve out a hollow shape on the top of the apple where you drilled the first hole. Make it big enough to hold the amount of cannabis you want to smoke. Also, be sure the hole on the top has an air passageway to the mouthpiece hole on the side.
Step Seven: Smoke Out Of Your Apple Pipe
Finally, it's time to make use of your apple pipe. Load up your bowl piece (or hole) with cannabis, smoke away, and enjoy!
How To Make A New School Apple Pipe
If you want to take your au naturale weed-smoking beyond the above method - have a tasty snack after your sesh - then we've got the solution for you! You'll only need to add one additional item to your list of apple pipe 2.0 necessities: a knife, of course!
Step-by-Step: The Process
This one will really impress your pals—or be a nice treat for yourself! It's also reminiscent of the first glass pipes many folks buy… but with the added benefit of having made it yourself. Well done, Johnny Appleweed. Here's the process:
Step One: Cut Off One Side Of The Apple
Use the knife to cut away one side of the apple—and make sure you don't accidentally carve into the core; it's essential! You'll have a large slice, about a third of the apple. You can save the rest of the apple for a healthy treat later.
Step Two: Set Up The Basic Shape Of The Pipe
From this apple section, trim and cut off the two outer thirds of the apple piece to make a roughly rectangular pipe shape. Then, chop one end of the apple chunk off as well.
Step Three: Carve Out The Bowl
From here on, you'll apply much of the same technique you used for the OG apple pipe. With your knife, carve a small bowl on the flat, fleshy side of the apple. The bowl should be placed near the top of the apple slice.
Step Four: Make The Mouthpiece
Next, you're going to complete the mouthpiece hole by puncturing the apple slice with a pen or skewer just beneath the bowl you already carved out.
Step Five: Place Cannabis In The Bowl
Gently dry out the bowl and crumble your sacred herb into your brand-new apple pipe.
Step Six: Inhale And Enjoy!
Now go enjoy the fruit of your labor!
A delicious DIY by the author.
How To Smoke Out Of An Apple?
Is the smoking mechanism the same as any other glass pipe? In short, yes. Like any other cannabis pipe, you can use the same consumption method when smoking out of an apple pipe. For instance, the three main air passages and holes in a glass pipe include the bowl piece, carb, and mouthpiece.
Your apple pipe will have the same three functioning holes. So once it's ready, pack your weed on the top of the apple where the stem would be. Then, place your finger on the carb hole, put your lips to the mouthpiece, and light the weed. Finally, release your finger from the carb, inhale, and enjoy.
Pipe Au Naturale
Stuck at home and don't have a pipe, paper, or bong on hand? An apple pipe is your answer. If only you could find weed as easy as finding an apple in your fridge. Oh, wait. You can.
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