How To Make A 4th Of July Star Filter Joint
Wondering how to add some 4th of July flair to your joints? We’ve got just the thing. In this post, we’re going to show you how to make a star filter joint. It just takes 1 extra piece of filter paper but helps make your joint perfectly appropriate for Independence Day.
Read on to learn more. Happy 4th of July, USA!
What You’ll Need:
Making a star filter joint is easier than you may think, and doesn’t require an abundance of materials. Here’s what you’ll need to achieve this perfectly appropriate 4th of July joint:
- 2 joint filters
- Your favorite rolling papers
- Weed of your choice
How To Make A Star Filter Joint:
- Take your first filter paper, and make small folds in it until about halfway down.
- Cut off the excess paper with scissors.
- Hook together the two ends of the paper to make a star shape.
- Take your second filter paper and pre-roll it to make it more flexible.
- Now, roll the second filter paper around the first, making sure you keep the star shape together.
- Place the filter inside your joint paper and proceed to roll a joint as you would normally.
Want to learn how to roll better joints? Check out our guide on how to roll the perfect joint.
Tips And Tricks To Rolling The Ultimate Star Filter Joint
Make sure to make even folds in the first joint paper. They should alternate, too, going from left to right or vice versa.
Pre-roll your second joint paper at least once. This will help make the paper more flexible and ensure it sits snugly around the star-shaped part of the filter.
When you roll your joint, place the filter so the join faces upwards. That way you can compress the filter with your fingers as you roll your joint and ensure it’s nice and tight.
If you’re new to rolling joints, you might find this a bit challenging. But remember, it all just comes down to practice. So, if your first star filter joint doesn’t quite turn out the way you wanted it to, take on some of that 4th of July spirit and try again!
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